XEN Crypto Mint

XEN Crypto Mint Explained

In this article, we are going to go over the best minting strategy using game theory, my favorite for XEN Crypto. So this is the ultimate minting strategy guide design crypto. I’m super excited to explore those concepts, and how they apply to crypto, we’re gonna dive in here and show you some awesome tools and resources to use and kind of how to navigate this along with some best practices to mitigate risk. So there are three best practices that I believe are important for meetings and crypto.

So originally, it was like 300 days now it’s almost 400 days. And you know, depending on if you’re watching this in six months, or a year, it might be 500 or 1000 days, right. So that’s a very long time into the future. And that’s the best opportunity to mint because you receive the most amount of tokens. So you’re going to want to have one mint at least or multiple mins, the furthest distance in the future. So if you’re minting, even if it’s 390 days, or 400 days, that’s over a year, year and a half into the future. And what happens if you put all of that value on one wallet, and something happens, you lose that wallet, you lose the seed phrase, it gets hacked, there’s a lot of things that can happen in crypto. So using multiple wallets, especially the further away your mandate is, is super important. Number two is you want to ladder your mints to improve the chances of minting during a bull run.

XEN Crypto Mint

Can you still mint XEN?

The way I feel like to do that is to unlock the value. Every so often. I’m suggesting something like minting on every 30 days, after 90 days. So the first mint I mean, unless you really, you know, want tokens right away. They’re less valuable. Yeah, we can get into that. But I think overall starting on day 90 Makes sense. Or maybe day 60 depending on what you want to do. And then every 30 days after that, so day 9121 5180, etc. And this way you have multiple of you a value unlocking every 30 days, because you never know what’s going to happen with the price, especially if something brand new like this, right? It could go to zero, that’s very possible, and everything’s worthless. This isn’t financial advice, do this at your own risk. But your biggest risk is gas, right? So what does it cost you maybe two hours of your time and $5. So it’s very asymmetric. But the risk reward makes a lot of sense to me.

Because even if it goes to zero, and you meant 20 wallets, you’d lose 100 bucks, but if it goes 100x That’s very good, right? So I would suggest having multiple minutes and lather them every 30 days, starting on day 90, and then spread it out over multiple wallets The further you extend that into the future. And number three, you want to ladder your mins, especially as you go deeper into the future, on multiple subsequent days to mitigate the risk of forgetting to claim. Let me explain. So the way it works is when you meet yours, then you you select a date, like you know, a year into the future. And on that date, you have to be on your computer or be on your wallet. And you have to claim the mint. And there is a time decay schedule. So for every day that you forget to claim, you lose tokens, you have a penalty, and after seven days, you get zero. So if you if you were supposed to get 10 million tokens in a year, and you wait seven days, you wait a year in seven days, those 10 million tokens go to zero. So why is this important?

XEN Crypto Mint

It’s important because you don’t know exactly where your your life is going to be in 365 days. What if you got in a car crash? What if someone’s sick What if you’re in the hospital? What if you forget what if you’re not on the computer? What if you’re in a meditation retreat, like a lot of things can happen. So putting all of your value on one wallet 365 days into the future to me is foolish just doesn’t make sense. From a risk reward perspective, that’s a lot of what I do in poker is made it easy to calculate risks and expected value of risk. So having multiple wallets laddering your stakes and then don’t put everything on 365 days or 393 days do 392-390-3390 for 395 and spread that out across multiple wallets because now you have like a really robust system where if you forget one wallet, you’re okay, if you’re not there, 365 days, you might be there 367 days and you still unlock half that value. Super, super important. Okay, so this is what I believe is the optimum mindig strategy for Zen.

Now let me walk you through a couple tools that are super interesting to check out some of the game theory and some of the value of meetings and so I’m gonna walk you into the lab and let’s let’s dive in. So this is a XEN calculator and it basically tells you how many then you’re gonna get based on the parameters. So the EA percent without getting too much into these numbers. This is currently nine you can look this up or ask the community this is about 3000. Now it’s 2988. These numbers are going down so the percentage goes down the ANP goes down which Ultimately, it goes into a formula to get you less tokens. I don’t want to bore you with the details of that it’s really not that important. You can just ask the community for what these numbers are, or assume that they’re about these numbers. Right now, new users is really important this how many users are going to mint after you. So in between when you mint and when you claim, the number of new users that come into Zen increases the amount of tokens you get.

XEN Crypto Mint

So it’s actually the opposite of most, most most systems where, you know, the more people that come, the more inflationary it is, this is actually Yeah, so the more people that come, the more inflationary. So it’s actually the opposite of how a lot of things work. But it’s very interesting, it’s creating that virality, a little bit of that game theory of hey, I, you know, now I minted I have incentive to go tell people to mittens then, because more people that come in, the more tokens that I get from a mentor. So it’s very smart from a game theory tokenomics standpoint. And that was a cool thing built in by design. So the most important thing is the term limit, right? So if you do 30 days, you’re gonna get a million Zen, today’s price of Zen, and this is no guarantee this price is gonna be there in the future, probably going to go down because it’s very inflationary.

How do I mint Xen tokens?

But this is the price of Zen. So if you put that into a calculator here, this times a million is $85. So if the price stays the same, in 30 days, you get $85, your risk is $5. For gas, plus the token goes down. So even if the term goes down, 80%, you still break even a profit, it depends on how valuable your time is how much you want to micromanage. For me, I’m more looking for an asymmetric long shot. So I’m starting at something like 90 days, so I would get 3 million tokens, which is three times $85, you know, about $300 $275. So that’s kind of where you’re at, obviously, if this number goes up with the people that create wallets in the meantime, you know, if you expect more people to join, you get, you know, closer to 4 million, which is like $350. But again, that’s assuming the token price doesn’t go down, which I personally believe it’s going to go down. So I actually think this number is going to be a lot less. So you can play around with this calculator. But you can see here, if you meant for the longest time duration, so 393 days, you get 13,000,010.

Right, so it’s quite a lot of them, relative to what you get on a short term it so you can see that it rewards people much like hex I think it’s built in like similar design, it rewards people for the lowest time preference, the lower your time preference, the more you’re willing to delay gratification, the more you’re willing to wait for value to be given to you, the more value you’re going to receive. This is why I stake to the latter stage of you know, starting at 90 days, or 120 days, depending on how much you want to micromanage or how many how much resources you have to mint this. But the most important thing for me personally, or what I believe, is that you have the most amount of stakes for the longest duration. So if this token goes to zero, it’s gonna go to zero anyway, it’s not gonna be great value to mint it on 150 days, if you’re getting $25 in value, I mean, cool. But like, it’s not really worth all the time and effort and stress for $25 and 150 days and managing whatever the real value is, like, if this thing does blow up in a year, like hex did and does 1,000x or something, and you have all those steaks for 390 days, you’re gonna get the most amount of tokens, right?

So for me, that’s that’s what makes the most amount of sense is delaying the time preferences as far into the future as possible, mitigating the risk. And the way that I said 13 million tokens, cool. If this thing blows up, and you have 100 steaks for the last, you know, the last days would be the make the most so one steak every day, night, 9121 50, whatever. And then for 393 days and the maximum amount do 10 steaks on on those are 20 steaks, or as many as you can afford, or want to manage or want to do. That makes the most amount of sense. So that’s how I’m laddering it a cool platform to use is doing.com. This is super cool, because it basically shows a lot of the details about Zen. So five days since launch 814,000 users, this is going up about 100,000 a day. So depending on when you’re watching this, there might be a million users 2 million 10 million.

If it keeps continuing at the same pace, obviously, you know, that might decrease over time. But the real thing to look at here, in my opinion is the the claim date range. This is super interesting here, because it basically shows everyone’s belief in the ecosystem and everyone’s time preference. And it’s also probably a function of bots. A lot of bots are probably minting and arbitraging, so they’re bringing the number, they’re skewing these numbers. But you can see here, the mean duration used to be predominantly one day. If you I don’t know if you can go back and look at the history of this. We probably can. But the main duration meant used to be one day, right? But now it’s not because it’s no longer profitable, or like really worth it as much to Mint for one day based on the tokens you received the gas cost, etc. So now people are minting for two to three days. What does this mean? We’re at the very, very early stages of this, I listened to an interview by Jack Levin, who I’d love to have on the show.

So basically all the people right now are minting between one and three days. So like 7060 70% are minting the lowest amount of time. So this either believes that this means that everyone has a low time preference, a high time preference, meaning they want value immediately. They don’t believe in the protocol. They don’t believe that tokens are going to have value in the future or a third option which is the hopeful one, right? The bull case is that people are unaware of The value of this ecosystem, they don’t understand Zen. And they don’t understand that it’s better to mint further in the future. So they’re wasting all this time and energy trying to make $10 today or tomorrow because people want to get rich quick, they want their $10 and one to $10. When not realizing they could, you know, hope, you know, I don’t want to make any promises, because I believe it’s very possible this goes to zero, but that they could potentially make money multiple times that in the future, if they were to wait, right, so that’s the asymmetry.

XEN Crypto Mint

That’s what I’m playing for. I’m playing for the homerun, I’m not trying to bunt the fu**ing ball and get the first base. Okay, that’s not what I’m what I’m doing here. So most people are minting the short time horizon, which means there’s a less stakes that are minting a long time horizon, if you look down here, and you see, you know, 330 to 360 days, there’s only 6% of the people doing that. So yes, a lot of tokens are going to unlock during that time horizon, but not many are going to unlock. And if you see here, the ladders here, different claim days user accounts, very few people are minting between 210 and 240 days. So laddering, your stakes then makes a lot of sense, because your tokens are going to unlock when very few other tokens are unlocking. And it’s a supply demand basic economics one on one, if there’s less supply unlocking, there’s less sell pressure. So hopefully, that means in theory, that the price would be potentially having less sell pressure during the time that your tokens are unlocking. So that is very good, right? So you kind of have to balance that equation between your time, your risk and how much you want to manage this. But this is a great tool to help you do this as well. The other thing to keep in mind is I listened to an interview with Jack. And basically, you know, the only way to mittens and in the future.

That’s kind of where I’ll leave you on this video is that in the future, you’re gonna have to keep delaying the amount of time you take to mint Zen in order to get the same amount of Zen. So right now you can mint for like, you know, in the past you can mint 330 days, which was the maximum and you get 13 million Zen, right now you have to mint. If you mean 393 days, you get 13 millions, and the future is gonna be 1000 days to get a certain amount of sun and the numbers are, it’s a bonding curve like it’s parabolic. So I remember seeing Jack saying something like in the future it was 60s, and that you would get where today you get 1000 or something like that. So the numbers are logarithmic and they declined dramatically. So don’t quote me on the exact numbers. But in the future, the only way to get a lot of sand will be to go far, far into the future to get fewer and fewer them. So this supply demand shock hopefully will increase some of the game theory to keep the token price alive. So super interesting here. Leave your thoughts in the comment below. I have a crypto newsletter as well. So thanks for your attention. Hope you enjoyed this article and I’ll see in the next one.

Disclaimer: Always do your own research before invest anywhere, because we are not an financial advisor. We are not responsible for any type of losses.

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