Shiba Inu Burning

Shiba Inu Burning | Shiba Inu Burn |

Hey guys welcome to In this article you will know about Shiba Inu Burning. So read this article from first to last without skip. The price of Shiba Inu coin is following the overall cryptocurrency market and the volume is down. But guys burns are up at least that’s what you see when you go out on Google and you Google Shiba Inu coin or you’re looking at Shiba Inu coin. Twitter everybody’s talking about the burns that are taking place and how they are up 500 400 percent 600 percent. Then they were just a couple of days ago and it is true the percentage gains are there but it’s almost like saying they’re as hot is the Arctic right.


Now we’re gonna be discussing these Burns, we’re gonna be discussing the future of Shiba Inu coin and the price of Shiba Inu coin. So of course if it sounds like something you’re interested in let’s get started. Let’s discuss Shiba Inu coin because the price is absolutely tied to bitcoin ethereum and the major cryptocurrency market right now and down around 80 850 points per coin. It is extremely low down 90 percent from the all-time highs and a lot of people seem very discouraged yes but the burns are rising and I’m not gonna try and take too much of uh ah man. I don’t even know like a dark tone with this but the burns are still absolutely nothing, I mean there’s no reason right now to be excited about the burns that are going on.

Shiba Inu Burning
Shiba Inu Burning

How much has Shiba Inu burned?

If you look there are little articles being written about Shiba Inu coin and the burns right now saying that they’re up 500 and so on to 14 million Shiba Inu coin. It’s not even a hundred and twenty dollars at the current prices. It’s 14million Shiba Inu coin being burned in a day is absolutely nothing when Burns were exciting, when the burn portal first came out we burned 30 billion Shiba Inu coin. It was a billion Shiba Inu coin per day that were being burned on that and now we’re getting excited about 14 million. This we need to put it in perspective. okay I get it the shiba inu coin Army is trying to latch on to anything and everything that is good news right now. But we are entering this period where we will be tested the shiba inu coin Community will be tested during this cryptocurrency bear Market. yes we will have shibarium released yes the metaverse could come out. Yes the AAA Graphics game could be going on and doing their own Burns and yes Shiba Inu coin as an ecosystem and as a coining community can continue or can continue to innovate and grow. But the price may not okay the excitement may seem to dwindle down and everybody from every angle of the media. your family members your friends they’re going to tell you that crypto was a scam, the crypto is worthless that crypto is over, I don’t think we’ve seen the lowest of the lows yet. I really think that we will be tested even further as to whether or not we believe in the future of these projects and if we do we will be the ones who see success. If we give up along the way we will absolutely be cut short. So guys the burns that are out there they are increasing which is good news. I’m not trying to take some super ominous uh outlook on it right now but nonetheless burns are increasing yes but they’re nothing that we should really be excited about at this point.

Bitcoin movement

We need to see much further acceleration and really turn the heat up a little bit man 14 million nice but we can do better than that if we’re looking at the price. Right now we need to take a look at some of the levels of support and resistance on Shiba Inu coin because I believe that Bitcoin coming down is going to test these major levels. So Bitcoin has another major level of support it’s 16000. Shiba Inu coin’s corresponding level is going to be around 800 points per coin. Now here’s the thing if Bitcoin breaks that 16000 and Shiba Inu coin breaks that 800. what are we looking at fifteen thousand five hundred for Bitcoin. That’s the wick down that we tested as it broke through the 20000 Mark if that’s tested we believe the shiba inu coin could absolutely test 750 points per coin very similar to the wickdown that we’ve seen within the past six months. The Shiba Inu coin could reach down and test their Bitcoin below that level May absolutely see a decline to twelve thousand dollars per coin. If that occurs it is not going to be impossible for Shiba Inu coin to test 500 points per coin. The excellent news is that Shiba Inu coin is not dropping at an accelerated rate compared to bitcoin Falls Shiba Inu coin is falling in synced with it.

What will be Shiba Inu in 2030?

If ethereum is falling it’s following Bitcoin down lower, so the good news is that unless we see a catastrophe in the entirety of the cryptocurrency market. Shiba Inu coin should do very well and Shiba Inu coin could absolutely maintain these levels to run during the next bull market. So if you’re looking at that and these price levels begin to scare you know you have to make that determination now. While you were thinking rationally instead of one day waking up and seeing that another cryptocurrency exchange has filed for bankruptcy and all of a sudden the prices across the board are testing these lower levels of support.

If you look at repeating patterns the cryptocurrency market may be leveling out here pretty soon but it might not see some massive gains for several years to come and if that’s the case it is going to be the few the strong those that truly believe Shiba Inu coin will move higher that are able to experience the gains of that happening. So I want to know what you guys think down in the comments below because I I go out there I read all the articles that are being promoted on Twitter I read all the articles that are out there on Google right now and in you know shiba INU does seem like it could be a bear Market Catalyst that kind of rocks the boat a little bit and allows Shiba Inu coin to have its look. I don’t even know if it would be sustainable but have its moment of Glory during the bear Market. I want to know if you guys see any other potential catalysts out there that could drive Shiba Inu coin higher despite the cryptocurrency bear Market being as dark as it is let me know down in the comments below.

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